November 22nd, 2024
The Campaign for Speaker of the MO House
In case you had not heard, on November 10th, Justin Sparks, Rep… announced via Facebook Live that he was running against Rep. Jon Patterson for Speaker of the House (SOH) in Missouri. In that short video, Justin called out the system that has apparently been in place in the Missouri Legislature for some time now that involves a “pay-to-play” scheme, cooked up by the Missouri House Republican Campaign Committee (MO HRCC), which requires legislators to pay for various “benefits”, like being on choice committees, or being placed in leadership positions. In addition, the SOH is currently decided the year before they actually take over. So, Jon Patterson was actually “elected” as the SOH via informal poll, last year, before the current slate of Republican legislators were even elected.
I don’t know about you, but that makes me angry. Why does it make me angry? Let’s play this out in a hypothetical scenario. Let’s say that a large group of nominal republicans legislate like liberals (I know it’s a stretch, but hear me out). An election happens, and most of those nominal republicans are replaced by strong conservatives. The way the system works now, the SOH has already been decided before the freshman legislators even step foot in the door, and they get no vote. They are expected to simply pull the lever. It also means the current SOH that was elected by the previous body will likely be… you guessed it, another nominal republican. What makes this so egregious is the fact that two years ago, I believe, the SOH was given immense power that this individual never had before, and has enough control to essentially make or break any legislation or legislator, through procedure and practice.
Few things in politics happen in a bubble. In other words, there is a history to everything. There is a lot of history that brings us to this point, where the grassroots conservatives in Missouri are not happy with Rep. Patterson. You can find a thorough rundown of some of that history here1. Gretchen Garrity details both why Jon Patterson is a terrible choice, and why Justin Sparks is a great choice. Please review this information and decide for yourself.
This vote is a conscience vote.
Rep. Justin Sparks
If, after reviewing the details, you agree with us, that Jon Patterson does not represent the interests of Republicans in Missouri, and Justin Sparks is the man for the job, PLEASE go to the Petitions page of the Republican Association of Central Committees of MO (REPACCMO), scroll down to the Resolution in support of Justin Sparks for Speaker of the MO House, and click the hyperlink to sign the petition (see image below).
We need thousands of signatures to sway individual representatives, especially those who have “hitched their wagon” to him, for whatever reasons.
TPUSA Event in Johnson County
Doors open at 6:30, and this event is open to all ages!
Twister Sports Address: 240 NW 13 Hwy, Warrensburg, MO 64093
Freedom Principle MO Drawing
The Freedom Principle MO is “Celebrating Making America Great Again!”
Enter to Win a Trump Watch!
The Freedom Principle MO is celebrating President Donald J. Trump’s historic landslide victory by offering everyone an opportunity to enter a drawing to win one of two Trump commemorative watches. Tickets are $20 each or 6 for $100. The drawing will be held at Noon on Monday, January 20, 2025, when Donald Trump is sworn in as the 47th President of the United States.
To purchase tickets or get more information about the watches, visit our website.
The Determined Patriotism Conference
Dates: December 13 - 14, 2024
Destination: Branson, MO
What is Determined Patriotism?
On his show, The Right Side, Doug Billings uses the phrase,
"We meet in Determined Prayer and Determined Patriotism!"
Determined Prayer: Being determined in our return to God and His Divine Providence... And the intent of the Founding Fathers.
Determined Patriotism: It's the hard work of getting involved in our local levels of government, at our county level within the State in which we live. And to reclaim our Republic back from the grip of the communist/ socialist agenda of the radical liberal movement.
At this conference, you'll learn how to engage in Determined Patriotism in your local government and community.
You'll get specific information on how to vet conservative candidates and how to avoid the RINO (Republican In Name Only) problem that has plagued our conservative party.
More details and how to register here:
NOTE: There were only 100 tickets left as of this last Wednesday, 11/20/2024. Get yours now!
Righteousness Alone…
Whether [the War for Independence] will prove a blessing or a curse, will depend upon the use our people make of the blessings which a gracious God hath bestowed on us. If they are wise, they will be great and happy. If they are of a contrary character, they will be miserable. Righteousness alone can exalt them as a nation. Reader! Whoever thou art, remember this; and in thy sphere practise virtue thyself, and encourage it in others.
Patrick Henry
This quote (emphasis mine) is from Patrick Henry’s final thoughts about the Stamp Act Written on the back of Henry’s copy of the Stamp Act Resolutions was a message to posterity (as printed by William Wirt Henry from the manuscript then in his possession).
The more I study American history, particularly the time of our nation’s founding, and I read the words of our founding fathers, I cannot help but compare those great men to thought leaders of today and wonder if we are going to make it. Where is our Patrick Henry? Where is our Thomas Jefferson, or James Madison? Where is our George Washington?
I have said many times that if things are going to change for the better, it will start in Bible believing churches. More specifically, it will start in the hearts of born-again believers, in Bible believing churches. To take it one step further, it will start with born-again believers that recognize and take up our responsibility to self-govern, driven by the Holy Spirit to be holy and righteous, because Jesus was holy and righteous, and we are called to imitate Him. Ignore the naysayers, who love to cast stones at your pursuit of Godliness by saying things like, “You’ll never be perfect”, and “Works don’t save you”. While both statements are true, they miss most of what the post-salvation life is supposed to be when they make statements like that. Just because I will never make a perfect omelette does not mean I should therefore never make eggs for my wife and kids. Just because my scrambled eggs are pretty spectacular, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try to continuously improve on them either. We are meant to pursue both holiness and righteousness, and in the aggregate, as the people of this nation do so, the tide will turn.
There is a Latin phrase that I learned recently that applies very much to this pursuit of personal holiness and righteousness. It provides a challenge, and incentive, to be constantly improving, without comparing oneself to others, and thereby creating an atmosphere of judgment and competition among believers.
The literal translation means, “Always Reforming”. Dr. Robert Godfrey describes the meaning this way… “let us always be working to ensure that our hearts and lives are being reformed by the Word and Spirit of God.”
I pray the Holy Spirit challenges you to be better than you were yesterday, more conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, so that our beloved nation will be closer today to what she once was than she was yesterday, so that what we leave our children and grandchildren will be a nation free indeed, saturated in the liberty that only Christ can bring.
While I don’t care for Gretchen Garrity’s overzealous attempts at guilt-by-association, all or nothing attitude, circular firing squads, and frequent character assassinations, she will go where her research takes her, consequences and/or relationships be damned. In this case, if you can get past her bombastic name-calling, the information she presents is a good summary of what has taken place, what the issues are, and why a change is needed.