November 9th, 2024
We The People Meeting Next Week!
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am excited to hear the truth about the border from J.J. Carrell next week!
The November monthly meeting for We The People of Cass County is Thursday at Real Life Assembly of God church in Peculiar, at a special time, and with special guest, J.J Carrell! If you can, please sign up for the event on Facebook.
180 W Broadway St
Peculiar, MO 64078
Date: Thursday, November 14th, 2024
Special guest speaker, J.J. Carrell
I believe he will have copies of his book available for sale that night. We will be starting the meeting early that evening, at 6:30, to give J.J. as much time as possible to give us the full story.
PLEASE NOTE: The subject matter for this meeting will be particularly sensitive, so we are recommending children not attend.
4 Reasons Why Amendment 3 Passed
The following is a Facebook post by Missourians Protecting Children & Families.
By now everyone knows that Amendment 3 passed.
This does not mean that abortion is immediately legal in our state. The amendment will take effect in 30 days, and even then, there will be a long series of court challenges.
But given the extreme wording of this amendment, each of our state’s pro-life statutes and regulations will be picked off one by one as the amendment is used to chisel away at these life-protecting laws.
And mark our words, this amendment will be used at some point to promote issues other than abortion such as transgender advocacy even though its advocates stated that will never occur.
How did this amendment pass? There are four main reasons.
First, Amendment 3 supporters received over $31 million dollars, not only from the usual pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood and the ACLU, but multiple millions from out-of-state dark money groups, some of which are funded by foreign donors.
Clearly, our election financing process is deeply broken when out-of-state (or even out-of-country) big money donors can so heavily influence our state elections, particularly on issues so fundamental as the right to life.
In contrast, our side received a fraction of that amount, divided among several different anti-3 groups. While each group fought hard, our efforts were largely splintered and uncoordinated. And much of our campaigning came too late in the election process to make the difference between victory and defeat.
Next, Amendment 3 passed on a foundation of outright lies. Slickly produced ads in support of the amendment made multiple demonstrably false claims.
The mantra of the pro-3 effort was “end Missouri’s total abortion ban” even though state law already expressly allows abortion when a woman’s life or physical health is threatened.
There were also claims that doctors are afraid to provide, and women are afraid to seek, miscarriage care. These lies were repeated so often that many voters believed them, even though multiple Missouri doctors affirmed that any and all care related to miscarriage is already 100% legal and readily available under current laws.
Not only that, current law protects women from ever being prosecuted for abortions.
Sadly, some Missouri voters who are generally against elective abortion voted for Amendment 3 after hearing all these craftily deceptive ads.
And all of these lies were buttressed by the lapdog news media, which interviewed left-wing “legal experts” who were almost unanimously in favor of this amendment.
Another reason this amendment passed is that it’s simply too easy to amend the Missouri Constitution.
Efforts were made by Republican legislators in the last legislative session to reform the initiative petition process to more closely match that seen in other states such as Florida.
But sadly, Republican leadership in the Missouri Senate unwisely shut down these efforts, thus paving the way for Amendment 3 to pass.
A final reason this amendment was approved was a lack of a strong, unified voice on the part of Missouri Republican leaders.
Missouri voted for Trump 58% to 40%. All of the statewide Republican candidates received from 56% to 60% of the vote.
And yet Amendment 3 narrowly passed 51.7% to 48.3%. These results tell us that thousands of Missourians voted for pro-life Republicans while also supporting the rabidly pro-abortion Amendment 3.
To be fair, some Missouri Republican elected officials did openly and actively speak out on the need to defeat this proposal. But others did nothing to warn voters about how dangerously extreme this amendment really is.
For example, to the best of our knowledge, three of Missouri’s Republican US Representatives made no public statements on Amendment 3, including on the social media accounts they regularly use.
A unified, coordinated voice by all of Missouri’s Republican elected officials might have been enough to tip the scales against this evil measure. But sadly not a few Republican candidates and office holders did little to nothing to take a clear and public stand in this urgent fight for life.
So here we are, the day after the election. We’re all incredibly saddened by voters’ acceptance of this radically extreme amendment.
Many are asking what’s next. What can we do now that Missouri has one of the most liberal anti-life constitutional provisions in the nation?
We’ll deeply feel the intense disappointment for a time. But we can’t stay there.
Pro-life Missourians will never give up advocating for life.
We may have lost this battle, but the fight is far from over.
We will continue praying, continue speaking, and continue working to protect the God-given right to life of our unborn sisters and brothers.
The Compromising Has Already Started
Speaker Mike Johnson already calling for “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”, which we all know is code for amnesty by another name.
The work has only just begun, and J.J. Carrell is going to give us the full story NEXT Thursday at our monthly We The People of Cass County meeting! Be sure to sign up for the event on Facebook if you have a FB account, and it will let you (FB is always playing games).
The Judgment is on Us Now
Coming in at just over 16 minutes, this summarizes much of my thoughts on where we are nationally right now. Be aware, it is blunt, but full of truth.
More Weak GOP Leadership
Rep. Jon Patterson is the perfect example of weak Missouri GOP Leadership. In the midst of the worst ongoing holocaust in world history, to the tune of 200,000 abortions a day (those are the WHO’s numbers, not mine), his response to the passing of Amendment 3 is to simply shrug his shoulders and quit. To be fair, he is certainly not alone in his surrender. He is just the only one foolish enough to say the quiet part out loud. (I’m sure he will backtrack on that statement soon, if he has not already).
In this article, Rep. Patterson is quoted as saying, “we have to go forward as the people decide.” What people? The people who elected him? If that’s the case, the people who elected him are Republicans, and those people have made clear in the state party platform that they are vehemently pro-life, and consider abortion murder. Unfortunately, there are many “Republicans” in the MO GOP that are just like Rep. Patterson, who are more interested in the perks that come with the position than stopping the murder of babies, and the mutilation of children. Considering that list includes MO Senate leadership as well, I do not expect the upcoming 2025 legislative session to be any better than the last.
SO, what are the rest of us supposed to do in situations like this? Well, I can tell you what doesn’t work… endless attacks on social media. I don’t even think Rep. Patterson has an X account anyway. In this case, rumor has it that Rep. Justin Sparks is going to challenge for the Speaker position. I would encourage everyone to get in contact with their respective representative and encourage them to support Justin instead.
Unfortunately, for those of us in District 62, that will likely be an uphill battle:
Candidate Training
Making Cass county conservative cannot be done without conservative candidates that are ready to run an effective race and actually win. This is a great opportunity for local candidates to get some sound wisdom from conservative folks who have run effective campaigns themselves.
Watch The 1916 Project Documentary FREE on X
The 1916 Project is a documentary that exposes the hidden history of the secular moral revolution, and the architects of our current culture of death. For a limited time, you can watch it FREE on the X platform (formerly Twitter).
Click Here to Watch The 1916 Project FREE on X